Ngọc Diệp Nguyễn Duy | Chat Online
13/08/2022 15:43:01

Complete this newspaper article. Choose the correct form

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
6. Complete this newspaper article. Choose the correct form.
Five years ago, Julia Pitman had a good job with the Ensure finance company.
Today she is trying hard/bardly to build a new life after a long battle in the courts
with her former employers. When Julia realised that Ensure was cheating its
customers, she reported it to the authorities and to a (1)-day/daily newspaper. She
was sacked from her job, and she took the company to court. The result was a
financial scandal which was (2) high/highly embarrassing for Ensure. Now that
Julia has won her case, she can at last talk (3) free/freely about the company and
about her experience of the world of finance.
Julia is still the (4) good-looking/well-looking, (5) good-dressed/well-dressed
young woman that she was five years ago, but things have not been easy for her.
Just (6) late/lately she hasn't been (7) good/well, and she looks tired. It was a
struggle', she told me. 'Sometimes it (8) hard/hardly seemed worth going on
because everyone was against me. Several times I (9) near/nearly gave up. What
angered me (10) most/mostly of all was that the authorities weren't interested in
what I was telling them, even though I was uncovering criminal behaviour.'
You can read the first part of Julia's story in the Sunday informer next week.
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