Lê Thu Phương | Chat Online
14/08/2022 13:28:06

Choose the correct word (a or b) to complete each of the sentences below

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2 Choose the correct word (a or b) to complete each of the sentences below.
0. My father feels sad at times, when the
gap in society is
getting bigger. He doesn't feel as much connection with the young as he used to.
1. - We used to use paper 'fans' to cool ourselves when it was hot.
Amazing. But how could you stand the
conditioners these summer days. (HOT)
2. My heart hurts each time I see children in certain remote areas of Vietnam walk
to school
? I couldn't live without air-
3. I was after a man when I was about to enter a door at a store in London. He held
the door for me to go in. It was such a
4. People in my city no longer cook 'Banh Chung', or 'Banh Tet' for Tet. I fear that
many other traditions will
out soon. (DEALTH)
5. wish there were more
activities for children in the community to
participate in. Heading home from school, they just spend their time in front of a TV or
computer screen. (SOCIETY)
6. We are trying our best to
these traditions. (PRESERVE)
7. We don't have to use library cards any more. With
we use 'Google' to look for our stuff. (ACCESS)
8. He always arrives for work late. It is not easy for him to
9. It is considered good behaviours to give way to
train. (SENIORITY)
to the Internet,
this habit.
people in a bus or
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