VợThờiYến | Chat Online
15/08/2022 16:48:36

Look at the sentences below and rewrite them in the spaces provided using the phrases in brackets

chu mi nhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Look at the sentences below and rewrite them in the spaces provided using the phrases in
1. I don't like to travel a lot for work, but my boss makes me. (hate)
2. I dislike formal parties where you have to look very smart and behave very well.
(not keen on)
3. I don't enjoy it when my manager criticises me in front of all my colleagues. (can't stand)
4. Susan doesn't like English at all and she thinks it's a complete waste of time.
(not interested in)
5. I don't like to go to expensive restaurants. (not really a fan of)
6. I don't like to watch TV soap operas. (don't enjoy)
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