Bánh Mì Bơ Sữaaa | Chat Online
16/08/2022 21:48:04

Underline the correct words to complete the conversation

b Underline the correct words to complete the
conversation. (Sometimes there is more than one
possible answer.)
NICK We can make any / al some sandwiches for lunch
HELEN Good idea. Have we got 2any/ some / a nice bread
NICK Yes, we have. We've got ³any/ some / a really fresh
bread - it's still warm!
HELEN OK. Have we got any / some / a meat or chicken to
put in them?
Um, let me see. We haven't got some1 al any mea
but we've got some / al any chicken.
HELEN Never mind. Have we got 7a/ some / any cheese in
the fridge?
Yes, we've got some / alany French cheese and
9any I al some Swiss cheese.
HELEN OK. And what about vegetables? Have we got
10a / any / some?
Yes, we've got ¹1a/ some / any mushrooms and
there's ¹2a/any/ some big tomato. But I'm afraid we
haven't got a / some / any onions.
HELEN OK. I can make 14 some / al any cheese and tomato
sandwich for me and 15a/ any / some chicken
sandwich for you.
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