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17/08/2022 18:47:20

My mother has to get to milk the cow

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
13. My mother has to get to milk the cow.
A. early than
B. the earlier than
C. earlier than
14. The foreign tourists were very impressed with the.....of the local people.
A. reality
B. possibility
C. ability
15. He was in such a hurry.....he did not have time for breakfast.
A. when
C. that
B. so
16. My grandmother has used this smart phone.....three months now.
A. for
B. since
C. in
17. He would prefer.....a boat rather than cycle round the lake.
A. sails
B. sailing
C. sail
18. When I was a little boy I the nursery.
A. went
B. going
19. On average, British children spend eight hours a
A. watching
B. to watch
C. go
C. watch
20. This sport..... for children to cope with pressure from their study.
A. designed
B. is designing
C. designs
D. more early than
D. hospitality
D. but
D. till
D. to sail
D. to going
D. watched
D. is designed
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