Phuong Anh Le | Chat Online
18/08/2022 13:13:34

Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A

Giúp mình với ạ, mình cần rất gấp I.Write the missing words in sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A.
1.A:I have never felt so sick in my life. B:Never in my life..............sick.
2.A:You will only succeed with a lot of hard work. B:Only with a lot of hard work ..............
3.A:He would not hurt his mother in a million years. B:Not in a million years ................mother.
4.A:There weren't any windows in the room either. B:Neither......... room
5.A:I had hardly finished my dinner when he called B:Hardly ........when he call
6.A:She didn't thank us once. B:Not once............
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