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19/08/2022 10:21:15

Hoàn thành bài

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Dear Samantha,
Thanks for your e-mail. It (1).
(be) really great to hear from you after all that time. I'm glad
you're having a good time in your new house in Liverpool. I hope your life is a lot more exciting than mine.
Yesterday we (2).
(visit) my grandmother in the country. My sister and 1 (3)
(go) for a walk by the river.
(have) lunch, we (6).
(climb) up the oak tree in the garden and
(stay) in our old tree-house all afternoon reading books, as we (8).
(help) her with the cooking and then (4)..
After we (5).
(use) to do when we (9).
(be) children. We (10).
(return) home late in the evening. It (12).
but at least it was something different from what we (13).
(spend) the day yesterday. How about you?
What (15).
(leave) at six and
(not/be) that exciting,
(do) last weekend. That's how I
(you/do) yesterday? Write back and tell me how you're doing.
Bài tập chưa có câu trả lời nào. Rất mong nhận được trả lời của bạn! | Chính sách thưởng | Quy chế giải bài tập
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