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19/08/2022 20:45:21

Read and answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VIII. Read and answer
No visitor to Britain should go home without spending some time in Stratford-upon-Avon. Situated in the heart of
England, it is a town rich both in history and in culture. Stratford is a busy market town with a population of twenty-
three thousand, and contains many trees and buildings unchanged since medieval times. It is surrounded by some of
the prettiest countryside in England, and is an ideal base for those wishing to visit such places of interest as Warwick
Castle, or the beautiful modem cathedral in Coventry. Without doubt, Stratford is best known as the town where the
playwright William Shakespeare was born and died. Here you can visit his birthplace and other buildings
connected with his family. These houses are all splendid examples of Tudor architecture, and there are many other
fine, historic buildings well worth visiting in the town.
1. For visitors, why is it worth paying a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon?
2. Where is Stratfor-upon-Avon located?
3. How are many trees and buildings in comparison with those in medieval times?
4. What are two major places of interest in Stratford?
5. Which phrase in the passage means "clearly"?
6. What is the passage intended to do?
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