Nguyễn Mie | Chat Online
20/08/2022 12:46:25

Choose the correct sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Choose the correct sentence that has been completed from the given
word cues by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
1. it/ rain/torrentially all day / we/ all / enjoy / the excursion/.
A. It rain torrentially all day, although we all enjoyed the excursion.
B. Although it rain torrentially all day, we all enjoy the excursion.
C. Although it rain torrentially all day, we all enjoyed the excursion.
D. Although it rained torrentially all day, we all enjoyed the excursion.
2. The woman/I/want/see/away on holiday/.
A. The woman whom I wanted to see was away on holiday.
B. The woman whom I want to see was away over holiday.
C. The woman whose I wanted to see was away on holiday.
D. The woman I whom wanted to see was away on holiday:
What/ the name / the place / you/ spend / your holiday?
A. What's the name of the place that you spent your holiday?
B. What's the name of the place which you spent your holiday?
C. What's the name of the place where you spent your holiday?
D. What the name of the place where you spent your holiday?
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