changgon | Chat Online
21/08/2022 16:04:37

Read the introduction to the quiz

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1 Read the introduction to the quiz. For each question, write the correct answer.
Write ONE word for each gap.
To Nina
From Marco
Hi Nina
Have (0) a look at this quiz. I found it (1)
about people's different life experiences, both good (2)
are quite a (3)
the internet and thought you'd like to see it. It's
bad. Don't worry! I did the quiz and there
others-for example
things I haven't done. Some things are more fun (4)_
who wants to ride a horse? However, I read that it's important to have different kinds of life experiences
because they help us learn (5)
the world. Let (6)
know what you think.
Bài tập đã có 3 trả lời, xem 3 trả lời ... | Chính sách thưởng | Quy chế giải bài tập
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