Yến Nhi Nguyễn | Chat Online
21/08/2022 22:09:08

The weather was wonderful. We could walk round the lake

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
4. The weather was wonderful. We could walk round the lake.
enough for us to walle
5. The food is extremely good. The children can eat it,
enough sot he childre
9). Complete using the structure "so adj +that"
1. The coffee is extremely hot. The children can't drink it.
2. My brother is very strong. He can lift this heavy table.
3. That play is very interesting. You should see it.
4. The suitcase is very heavy. Nobody can carry it upstairs.

5. My brother is very intelligent. He can do this difficult exercise.

6. The man is extremely poor. He can't buy a new bike for his wife-

10). Complete the following sentences using the structure "such..
1. This coat is very short. He can't wear it.
→ This is such hard ther
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