Hoàng Minh | Chat Online
22/08/2022 08:04:04

A- Verb forms: 1) I'd really like ........ (visit) Paris one day

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A- Verb forms
1. I'd really like
(visit) Paris one day.
2. If you met Mr. Bean, what.................. you................ (ask ) him ?
3. Be careful! You ................ ( knock) that vase off the table.
4. I'm disappointed in this computer. If only ....................(not, buy) it.
5. I... ( never, see) this film before, but my brother
(see) it twice.
(believe ) him.
6. He tried to deny................. ( take) the money, but no one
7. The match ...............
(already, start) by the time we....................(get) to the stadium last Sunday.
8. At the moment of the earthquake, Tom.
(listen) to music in bed.
9. It's high time you .................. (work) harder.
10. My parents seldom allow me................(go) out in the evening.
11. I'd rather you ............... (do) the test well.
12. The house needs ....................... (decorate) before the party.
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