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24/08/2022 18:57:14

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Complete the passage
Today football is probably the most popular game in the world, (..1..) not all people know that it began in Britain
during the time of Queen Victoria (..2..) the 19th century. So many different forms of the game were being (..3..) in
Britain at that time. In 1863 The Football Association was formed in order to draw up and agree the (..4..) of the game.
Throughout the country, new football (..5..) were built and the development of the railways in 1888 meant that football
teams and their fans (..6..) travel to the matches. The Football League was set up with twelve clubs, and football (..7..)
a national sport. Sometimes people played the game in just a field. In Burnley, a town in the north of England, the field
had a river lying along the side of it where players (..8..) baths after matches.
1. A. and
B. but
C. because
2. A. in
B. on
C. at
B. played
C. done
B. forms
C. rules
B. places
C. spaces
B. ought
C. could
B. appeared
B. swam
3. A. made
4. A. laws
5. A. lands
6. A. must
7. A. became
8. A. caught
C. changed
C. gave
D. so
D. until
D. given
D. controls
D. grounds
D. should
D. enjoyed
D. took
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