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07/09/2022 14:16:55

Read the passage and complete each sentence with NO MORE THAN 4 WORDS in each blank

I.Read the passage and complete each sentence with NO MORE THAN 4 WORDS in each blank.

A long time ago, in aspects such as means of communication, transportation, fashion, eating habits, entertainment, and education, the ways people lived were quite different from the ways which we live nowadays.
In the old times, oral communication was commonly used between people. Knowledge, information, news, and experience were transferred face-to-face. In the end of the 19th century and the early of the 20th century, telegrams were used to transmit communication to people from far away.
Years ago, people used to travel on foot. For long distances, they travelled by riding animals, such as camels, buffaloes, and horses. They also used animal-pulled carts. They dressed up in simple ways. Most of their clothes were made of linen and leather. They went bare-footed or wore shoes made of leather. Some might wear wooden slippers. Their eating habits and diets were plain with fresh, healthy and natural food which they got from nature.
Storytelling was the most popular kind of entertainment in the past. Stories were mostly folk tales, fairy tales, and fables. Children did not have much to play with. They played outdoor games, such as kite-flying, and hide and seek. Their toys were hand-made.
For education, there didn't use to be computers and the Internet, so students had to drown themselves in dozens of books and notebooks. Teachers would write lessons and homework down on chalkboards for students to copy and complete. Papers were hand-written and submitted to teachers.
1. There were_____________aspects of life referred in the passage.
2. In the past, the ways people lived were not_____________as the ways which we live nowadays.
3. Before the 19th century, people used to communicate_______________________
4. Telegrams were used to transmit communication to those who___________________
5. Years ago, people used to travel on foot or by________________
6. In the past, clothes used to be__________,and made of_____________
7. Footwear was made of__________,and_____________
8. Outdoor games that children used to play were _____________,and_______________
9. Students didn't use to have teachnoligical aids,such as__________________
10. Students used to copy and complete lessons_________ on chalkboard 
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