Hajime Zure | Chat Online
09/09/2022 21:12:30

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1.21 A dream holiday turned into a nightmare for
an American brother and sister called Dan and
Kate Suski. They were enjoying a fishing trip
in the Caribbean, near the stunning island of
s St Lucia, when their boat sank, leaving them
and their captain to fight for their lives.
The fishing trip began well enough. The
weather wasn't brilliant, but Dan wasn't
complaining: he had a huge fish on his line!
10 He was trying to pull it onto the boat and
Kate was helping him.
But then, the captain realised there was a
problem. Water was coming into the cabin and
the boat was sinking fast. The captain used
15 his radio to send a message for help. Then he
shouted to the Suskis, Jump out! Jump out!'
¹_They were about 15 km from land.
The captain told the Suskis to wait with him in
the water. Help was coming. The weather was
20 now awful, but they were wearing life jackets.
After an hour, the captain and the Suskis lost
each other, and there was no sign of rescue.
They were both thinking the same terrifying
thought: sharks!
25 A plane and a helicopter appeared in the sky, but
nobody saw Dan and Kate in the water. Hours passed
and night came. The Suskis swam for fourteen hours.
Then, in the moonlight, they saw some cliffs.
They were only a few metres from land!
30³ The waves were breaking against sharp rocks; it
was too dangerous. So Kate and Dan swam past the
cliffs. By now, they were exhausted. Eventually, they
reached a sandy beach. 4
Then they started to look for a town or village. On the
35 way, they picked and ate green bananas. Dan said
later that it was the worst- and best-food of his life!
After three hours, they met a young farm worker. __
He also gave them some tragic news: the captain was
lost at sea.
40 Dan and Kate Suski spent a few days in hospital.
Their story appeared in news programmes around
the world. And there was one final piece
of astonishing news: the captain
also survived. A rescue boat
45 found him after 23 hours
in the water!
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