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13/09/2022 12:34:40

Choose the word which best fits each gap

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
My father explained the subject
4.My cousin is a better singer than I am. (well)
My cousin sings
5. Phong is a faster swimmer than Phuc. (fast)
Phong swims
VI.Choose the word which best fits each gap.
satisfaction as
Although the city seems to have a lot of great things, the country can offer as (1)
well. The country is a marvelous place to live in. It offers a very relaxing feeling, and it is filled (2)_
magnificent views and scenery. Rural towns offer more open space than cities and aren't overcrowded. The
country can also maybe help you become a more independent and (3)
person. You can buy a small
piece of land, plough it and put some (4)_
in order to grow your own vegetables. This way you
your own crops, and eat and live in a very healthy way. (6)_
being in the countryside
makes you more of an outdoor person often enjoying the voices and wild places of nature. Not everyone is
to the city life and not everyone has the desire to live permanently in the countryside. It is a
matter of perspective and personal point of (8)_
b. more
1. a. most
2. a. in
b. out
b. idle
3. a. active
4. a. weeds
5. a. collect
6. a. By contrast
7. a. Interested
b. seeds
b. damage
b. However
b. bored
b. view
c. much
c. up
c. passive
c. breeds
c. complete
c. Therefore
c. suited
C. contact
d. many
d. with
d. quiet
d. branches
d. rotate
d. In addition
d. excited
d. way
8. a. care
VII. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one
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