nờ quờ | Chat Online
14/09/2022 12:32:20

Make sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
oubles can help a person develop new skills.
5. The author's sister sews clothes for her family members.
Make sentences, using the words and phrases below to help
You can change the words / phrases or add necessary words.
1.1/like/garden/ because /1/ love/plants/ flowers.
2. My sister / not like / horse riding / because / she/ afraid of / horses.
3. Make/models/ develop / your / creativity.
4. Collect/stamps/help/you/be/more/ patient.
5. Jog/make/you/strong / and / reduce / stress.
Think about your dad / mum and his/her hobby. Fill in the word web.
Then write a short paragraph of about 70 words about your dad's /
mum's hobby.
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