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14/09/2022 16:31:41

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets:

1. Two thirds of the ....... of this company are engineers. (EMPLOY)

2.  Tom easily learned the ....... rules of the game. (BASE)

3. It's an incredibly ....... story. (MOVE)

4. Tom ....... visited Mary at her parents' house. (OCCASION)

5. Could we have a minute of ...... ? (SILENT)

6. The ....... of this ship is 30 meters. (LONG)

7. Tom is courageous and ....... . (FEAR)

8. How long do i have to wait for ...... ? (DELIVER)

9. I was ...... and unhappy. (MISERY)

10. You'd be ...... how much time Tom spends playing games. (AMAZE)

11. Our ....... of beauty has changed over time. (PERCEIVE)

12. Do you trust my ....... ? (JUDGE)

13. Mary was wrongly ....... for nearly 10 years. (PRISON)

14. He ....... forgot the camera on the bus. (CARE)

15. She doesn't live in my ....... . (NEIGHBOUR)

 Mọi người giúp em từ từ em không gấp ạ, được thì cho em xin phương pháp học word form, từ vựng hiệu quả ạ em cảm ơn

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