Oanh Kim | Chat Online
14/09/2022 20:29:14

Complete the conversation. Put in my, your, etc or mine, yours, etc

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Complete the conversation.
Laura: Did you and (1)_
Put in my, your, etc or mine, yours, etc.
friends have a nice holiday?
Emma: Yes, it was wonderful. We had the best holiday of (2)________ lives. It didn't start very
well, though. Daniel forgot to bring (3) passport.
Laura: Oh, dear. So what happened?
Emma: Well, luckily he doesn't live far from the airport. He rang (4)________ parents, and
they brought the passport over in (5) car, just in time.
Laura: You remembered (6)_
, I hope.
even though I'm usually the one who forgets things. Actu-
ally Rachel thought for a minute that she'd lost (8)__________. Luckily it was in
(9) suitcase. Anyway, in the end we had a marvellous time.
Emma: Yes, I had (7)_
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