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18/05/2018 21:29:55

Chọn True hoặc False

One of the most important traist of a friend is someone who will help you when you need him. One personal experience i had with this was when my friends, Mark , Steve , and i we all our driving around late at night. We were on our way home from going up to my camp at the lake, it was four in the morning , and we were all tired. I was driving my car and we had just gotten off the Northway when I ran over a glass bottle and my tire popped. I didn't know what to do. We had no money, and were stranded. Millions of thoughts were racing throught my mind: what would I tell my mom, how could we get it fixed, and most importantly
how could I stay out of trouble. My friend Mark called up his brother to come and tow the car. His actions that night made me realize that a true friend would take risks for each other.
1. The write in the passage and his friends had a problem when they were going home after going camping.
2.They were very strong after the picnic.
3. Mark was the person driving the car in the passage
4.They had troubles in early morning
5.They had enough money to solve that problem
6.The writer phoned his parens to get help
7.Steve called his brother to help them with the popped tire
8.They get th car fixed finally
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