Vu Phuong Anh | Chat Online
16/09/2022 13:36:11

Rewrite the sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Rewrite the sentences:
1. It's 2 years since I saw him.->I haven't .....
2. Hung was absent from class last Friday.->Hung wishes
3. Her daughter cannot speak English.->She wishes
4. The weather is too cold, so we can't go swimming.->If
5. I can't buy the house because it is too expensive.->If..........
6. Mary asked, "Tom, who will open the box for me?"->Mary
7. The teacher asked him, "Do you think before you answer?"->The teacher
8. He said to me, "Shut the door"->He.
9. The guide said to us, "Don't touch this picture." ->The guide
10. She sings beautifully. She is
11. We run fast.-->We are
12. He is a good dancer.--> He.
13. She is a slow work.->She
14. Mary will come. Peter will be happy.If Mary
15. The teacher will correct it. We will understand it.
19. Minh Quang caught the ball easily.->The ball.
20. They have just held an English workshop.
=>An English workshop
->If ...............
16. Ronaldo wins the gold ball of FIFA.->The gold ball... FIFA is wa
17. Mr. Hung keeps a large collection of medals.->A large
18. The principle bought many teaching aids for our school.
=>Many teaching aids......
bykans do
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