Vu Phuong Anh | Chat Online
17/09/2022 14:59:02

Hoàn thành câu với từ gợi ý

Hoàn thành câu với từ gợi í
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets:
1. You must be (care)....
when you opened that door.
of your town's people.
religion of Thailand.
4- We'll live a happier and (health)............... life if we keep our environment clean.
5- The price of (electric).....
.... has gone up again.
6- Our school has a lot of (qualify).
2- We're very impressed by the (friend)..
3- Is Buddhism the country (office)...
7- I watch the news everyday because it's very (inform).
8- The Internet is a very useful means of (communicate).
9- We must learn about keeping the environment (pollute).
10-Some of these traditional dresses have been.....
dress. (fashion)
.when she grows up. (design)
11- Many Vietnamese women continue to wear the unique and.
12-Lan wants to become a fashion.......
13-Although its services are not very good, the hotel is...............for the beach. (convenience)
14-Although the ao dai is the...
......dress of Vietnamese women, not many of them wear it
driver. (care).
at work. (tradition)
15-He never has any accidents. He is a
16- It is a nice shop and the assistances are all polite and very.
17- This new center is an interesting...
18- We can see many
19- The Internet is a wonderful..
20- What have they done to
22-Hanoi is much
23-The Internet has..
24- There are many
25- We can save...
26- The Pikes aren't satisfied with their
.... (help).
....on TV every day. (advertise)
........of modern life. (invent)
.....their own country. (modern)
........from Tokyo, isn't it? (difference)
.... It is very time-consuming and costly. (limit) our country of a years. (celebrate)
.......resources by using solar energy. (nature)
...for Christmas. (prepare)
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