Anh Thơ | Chat Online
22/09/2022 07:33:43

Give the corect form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each fo the following sentences:

gải thích giúp mình nha 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV.Give the corect form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each fo the following sentences:
21. We should read this leaflet to see what
are organized during the festival. ACT
made by hand.SKILL
24. Obviously, our handicrafts are in
trip to an ancient village on the outskirts of Hanoi. MEMORY
with those of other villages. COMPETE
25. Do you know that_
have to follow 15 stages to make a
conical hat.
26. My grandfather has devoted himself to many
events in our community. CULTURE
27. You should spend at least one week to visit the tourist in this city. ATTRACT
28. We are impressed by a wide_ of lacquerwares in the showroom. VARY
22. They showed me a marble sculpture which was
23. Last week we had a
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