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20/09/2022 21:04:36

Change these sentences into passive voice

Bài 12 nhé 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
10. No one believes his story...s iszapul...
Exercise 12: Change these sentences into Passive voice
1 Fire destroyed that house
2. The students attended the lecture
3. The movie disappointed us very much
4. The police easily captured the thief
5.John returned the money last night
6. Smoke filled the room.
7. Bob took that book from the desk.
8. They started a dancing class last week
9. Mr. Smith saw the accident
10. The teacher returned our written work to us
EX13: /Choose the correct answer
1. We should call Rita,
a. should we
2. Monkeys can't sing,
a. can they
b. shouldn't we
b. can't they
c. shall we
c. can it
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