Gia Linh | Chat Online
24/09/2022 23:19:45

Read the passage and decide which answer A; B; C or D best fits each space

2. Read the passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each
I would like to live in one of the (22)_
produce all the energy it needs from the (23).
modern houses in the world. It will
energy, the wind energy, but
not from
gas, or oil. There will be modern electronic (24)_________________ in the kitchen such
as a smart refrigerator, a dishwasher, a microwave oven, and so on. The house will
also have a hi-tech TV that helps us to watch TV programmes from space. A home
robot will be able to do all of (25)_
so our life will become more comfortable
than ever (26).
1. A. more
2. A. solar
3. A. tools
4. A. the homework
5. A. after
B. almost
B. sunny
B. appliances
B. the housework
B. until
C. much
C. sun
C. machines
C. home work
C. then
D. most
D. cloudy
D. equip
D. before
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