Hải Anh Nhữ | Chat Online
25/09/2022 16:59:57

Complete the sentence with words in the box

III: Complete the sentence with words in the box.
song writer, actress, singer, painting, museum, portrait, painter,
musical instruments
1. I love this ...............because she has a beautiful voice.
2. This .......
.displays a lot old objects and pictures in the previous century.
3. My brother is a talent. He can play so many .....
4. Look at that.......
..! It's one of the most famous artworks by Picasso
.He's got about 100 songs in his career.
...works so hard to complete the tasks before May.
7. My daughter has a dream of becoming a well-known ....
8. He enjoys drawing his father's.
in the future.
in the afternoon.
5. My father is a
6. The ......
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