phúc Minh anh | Chat Online
27/09/2022 21:10:29

Arrange these adjectives in brackets in the correct order

Arrange these adjectives in brackets in the correct order:
1. It's a (wooden / round/brown) table.
She is wearing
a (green / new / beautiful) dress.
What a (lovely / sunny) day !_
Jack is wearing a (green / new) pullover.
My uncle lives in a (oid / lovely / small) house.
That girl has (olue/ nice/big) eyes.
He gave me (leather/black) gloves.
My teacher has a (round / pink/small) face.
It is a (small/metal/ black) box.
10. It is a (fat/ black / yellow/big) cat.
11. Jimmy has a collection of (postage / valuable / American) stamps.
12. There is a (French/ interesting / old) painting in the gallery.
Use ENOUGH to combine each pairs of these following sent
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