Phuongg Ng | Chat Online
30/09/2022 17:42:30

Điền từ

Do you have a favourite dish? Going to a restaurant for a special dish is great, but I like to (1)
by myself. My favourite (2)
is a general food. It is omelette with minced
tomatoes. My omelette is similar to the normal one, but the difference is that I add minced
potatoes when (3)
the eggs.
Everybody may think that it is not (4)
but it is a very special dish for me because
to cook it because
of some reasons. I remember that my mum usually told me (5)
she was always busy and she wanted me to make something to eat by myself. My mum has
always made incredible omelettes and she (6),
me her ways.
Omelette is a general meal for everyone. Kids, teenagers or even adults can enjoy eating (7)
However, we should not eat too much omelette because it may give us more (8)
than the amount that our body needs.
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