AKA_KhoaVN | Chat Online
02/10/2022 15:13:58

Insert a correct article (a, an, the) if necessary to complete the following sentences

ai giải giúp mik với
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Insert a correct article (a, an, the) if necessary to complete the following
1. Among 54 ethnic groups in Viet Nam, the Odu group has
2. There is
stilt house in my grandparents' village.
3. In Tay families, old people usually stay at
4. Although Phong is
uniform when he goes to school.
member of the Nung ethnic group, he wears
5. This is
6. The chapi is.
7. The communal house is also used as
8. Recently, Thai men prefer to wear
home to look after
old costume of the Pupeo people.
_unique musical instrument of the Raglai people.
place of worship.
King's style of dress.
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