Đạt Nguyễn | Chat Online
13/10/2022 15:38:24

Bài tập tiếng Anh

giup vsss
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
4. Thirdly we should avoid large gatherings//public/ and/ close contact/sick p
3. Secondly we maintain at least two metres/ distance/ ourselves/ others.
5. Fourthly we should/ minimize/ touch/ eyes/ nose/ mouth/ and/
often/ soap and water.
6. Moreover/ we/ should/cover/ cough/sneeze/ a tissue/ then/ throw/ the tissue the t
7. Last but not least/ we should get vaccinated/ boosted/ as soon as/ we/bel
8. We should bear/ the above rules/ in mind protect/ us/ and/ our community
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