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17/10/2022 12:16:00

Reading Comprehension

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV/ Reading Comprehension (1,5pts)
Chiang Mai, also sometimes written as "Chiengmai", is the largest and most culturally significant city in
Northern Thailand, and the capital of Chiang Mai Province. It is about 800 kilometers north of Bangkok,
among some of the highest mountains in the country. The city stands on the Ping River, a major tributary of
the Chao Phraya River. In recent years, Chiang Mai has become an increasingly modern city, although it lacks
the cosmopolitan gloss of Bangkok. It has many attractions for the thousands of foreign visitors who come to
the city each year. Chiang Mai's historic strength derived from its important strategic location near a southern
branch of the ancient Silk Road, and long before the modern influx of foreign visitors the city served as an
important center for handcrafted goods, umbrellas, jewelry particular silver, and woodcarving.
Choose the correct answer: (0.5pt)
Question 23. Which jewelry is Chiang Mai most famous for?
A. umbrellas
B. silver
Question 24. The world "significant" in line 2 means
A. ancient
B. large
C. woodcarving
C. important
Check the following statements True or False: (1pt)
Question 25. Chiang Mai is in the east of Thailand
Question 26. Chiang Mai is the capital city of Chiang Mai Province.
Question 27. Chiang Mai is an ancient city now.
Question 28. Chiang Mai is famous for woodcarving.
D. silks
D. developed
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