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17/10/2022 12:15:29

When you see this sign, you should

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
D. Do not waste water.
Question 16. When you see this sign, you should
A. prevent air pollution.
B. prevent cutting grass.
C. prevent destruction of forest.
D. prevent littering.
III/ Guided Cloze Test (1,5pts):
Read the following passage and choose the best answer
When Malaysia became (17)
Malay language was chosen as the National Language. The
this choice is that it is the language of the Malays who are the natives of Malaysia
reason (18)
The government of Malaysia takes pride in promoting this language among all the races in Malaysia. The
Chinese, the Indians and other non-Malay communities (19)_______ the decision of the government. It is the
language of the country.
In Malaysia, the national language (21)
the Bahasa Malaysia. It is the language of (22)_
schools. Since the introduction of Malay in schools, it has become the most widely used language in Malaysia.
Question 17.
B. independently C.dependent
D. independent
A. independence
Question 18.
A. for
Question 19.
A. had accepted
Question 20.
A. office
Question 21.
A. calls
Question 22.
A. instruction
B. in
B. have accepted
B. official
B. is calling
B. instruct
C. with
C. accepted
C. officer
C. called
C. instructive
D. at
D. are accepted
D. officially
D. is called
D. instructively
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