Liam | Chat Online
17/10/2022 12:28:00

Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. You ride here.
B. Crossroads ahead
C. You can ride a car here.
D. Roundabout.
III/Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank. (1,5pts)
We don't only choose clothes to make us (17)
attractive, we also use them to tell the world about
our (18)
The clothes we wear and our appearance and a whole give other people useful
information about (19)
we think and how we feel. If we feel cheerful, we usually wear colorful
clothes (20)
if we feel depressed, we sometimes (21)
dark clothes. But why do
teenagers wear black so frequently? Is it because they feel miserable all the time? This is unlikely to be the
case. It is probably just because it is fashionable (22)
black, and young people are real fans of
Question 17.
A. seem
A. personality
Question 18.
Question 19.
Question 20.
Question 21.
Question 22.
B. wore
A. wearing
IV/ Read the text and do as directed (1.5pts)
A. which
A. because
B. sound
A. take off
B. person
B. what
B. so
B. try on
C. look
C. personal
C. why
C. therefore
C. put on
C. worn
D. become
D. personally
D. when
D. and
D. wear out
D. to wear
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