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25/10/2022 17:42:31

Girls learnt to do housework, and to take of others. Loyalty and honesty were highly appreciated

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
families. Girls learnt to do housework, and to take of others. Loyalty and honesty were highly appreciated.
When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it. That would be cowardly
and mean. They were taught that families were strong, and everybody should stick together in adversity.
Fortunately, many of these values have been well preserved. They have contributed to making the unique
Vietnamese culture, and strengthening our society
Question 29: Good manners are....
A. of great value
C. traditional
B. of the community
D. only for the old
Question 30: The sentence: "When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for
it" means they would.......
A. deny their mistake B. keep it a secret
Question 31: "cowardly and mean" is used to describe.....
A. acceptable
C. proper
B. strange
Question 32: This passage is about.....
A. people who possess good manners
C. the preservation of bad values
Section C (2,0 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on
x Question 1: My mother said to me: "Can you drive to the mall to pick me up because it is raining heavily
C. admit their mistake
D. unacceptable
B. what good manners children in the past.
D. good manners and their values
D. be punished
→My mother......
Question 2: She goes to school late eraly althought it rains hard
→ In spite
Question 3. She works hard so she passes the final exam...
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