Ngọc Linh | Chat Online
27/06/2018 08:56:44

Reported speech (Câu tường thuật): 1) They said to us, ''Must you go now?''. 2) He said to me, ''Don't forget to post the letter''. 3) Nhi said, ''I am visiting Hoi An now''

Reported speech ( Câu tường thuật )
  1. They said to us , ''Must you go now ? ''
  2. He said to me ,''Don't forget to post the letter''
  3. Nhi said , '' I am visiting Hoi An now'' 
  4. ''Can yyou open your bag , please?'' said the custom officer 
  5. Mary said , ''I don't know how to do this exercise'' 
  6. She said , ''I must stay at home'' 
  7. Hoa and Tim , ''Do you like this place?'' 
  8. The man said to Nam , ''The clock will never work again if you try to repair it'' 
  9. The teacher asked Nga,''Is Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world ?'' 
  10. Mary asked me ,''Do you want to visit London?'' 
  11. I said to Tim ,''Hurry up!'' 
  12. I said ,''Do you want to visit China , Tam?'' 
  13. I said to the tourists , '' Are you from Australia? '' 
  14. Nam said ,''Have you ever been to My Son , Mrs.Blake?'' 
  15. I said to Lan,'' Send me a postcard when you arrive in Paris'' 
  16. Jane asked Peter,''Does your sister have a toystore in London?''
  17. He asked the policeman,''Can you show me the way to the post office?''
  18. My mother said to me ,''Don't go out alone at night''
  19. Mr.Hoang said,'' Is there any information about the flight to Phom Penh?''
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