Phạm Khắc Duy | Chat Online
02/11/2022 15:47:53

Match the sentences (nối 2 dòng với nhau để thành câu hoàn chỉnh)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II. Match the sentences.
1. You shouldn't tell a lie
2. Mrs. Colin can't go out to work
3. You mustn't break the regulation that
4. If I have a meal at home,
a. students wear a uniform at school on weekdays
b. but they have to look well-dressed.
c. I will have to clean the dishes after having food.
d. you should visit famous pagodas in Bangkok
5. You must be on time for the exam, e. because she has to stay at home to care for her
elderly mother.
f. the new wife has to live in her husband's family.
6. Guests don't have to wear suits at
the ceremony,
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