Hiền Vy | Chat Online
06/07/2018 13:05:51

All of them (be) ... born in My Tho, but they (move) ... to HCM city in 980 to get good jobs. Since then, their lives ... (improve)

I. All of them ( be) _______ born in My Tho, but they ( move) ________ to HCM city in 980 to get good jobs. Since then, their lives______ ( improve).
2. Mr and Mrs Price usually ( come) _______to visit us. They ( come) _________ to visit us last night. This is the third time they (come)_______to visit us.
3. They usually (tell) ________ us about their plan. They ( tell) ________ us about their plan for a new house yesterday. This is the third time they ( tell) _______ us about it.
4. She usually ( sit) ______ in the garden. The weather ( be)__________ nice yesterday, so she ( sit) ______ in the garden with her dog. I never ( sit) in the garden with the dog once.
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