Nguyễn Loan | Chat Online
09/11/2022 16:13:45

Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1 - 5

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct
word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example.
David's flat is very near the.
He can sit on the
balcony and (1)..
all the people who are having
fun in the water. David loves the sea, and often swims in the morning,
before he goes to school. But he usually does that in the summer when the
water's nice and (2)..
But one cold December day in the winter school holidays, David sat
on the sofa and looked at the sea. 'I've nothing to do. I'm so (3)
,' he thought. 'I know! The water might be very
cold but I'll go for a swim!'
It only (4)
David two minutes to put on his
swimming shorts, find a large towel and run across the sand to the sea.
He slowly put one foot in the water and quickly pulled it out again!
'David! What are you doing? his mother called from the flat. I want
to go swimming, Mum!' David answered. 'But the sea is colder than
..! I'll go to the new swimming pool in town
instead! Bye!
(6) Now choose the best name for the story.
Tick one box.
David loses his swimming things
David wants a winter swim
Mum goes to the new swimming pool
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