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19/11/2022 17:45:25

Choose the best answer

Choose the best answer
6. Mr. Hawk told me that he would give me his answer the
A. last
B. previous
7. I really don't know
A. what
8. Did she
B. where
A. used to write
B. use to wrote
9. A: "I'm taking my first exam next week."
A. Cheers!
10. The manager told me to pass
A. on
B. to
11. Some people think that schools put too much
A. feeling
B. interest
12. The children were
A. performing
13. My friends wish they
A. would
B. Congratulations!
B. playing
B. were
C. following
C. when
D. before
to say in my graduation speech.
D. why
in her diary before going to bed?
C. use to write
B: "
C. Well done!
C. in
C. emotion
C. taking
D. mental
C. was
D. used to writing
D. Good luck!
the message I had just read.
D. for
on students nowadays_
D. pressure
out the story of the birth of Jesus.
D. acting
tall enough to play basketball.
D. are
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