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19/11/2022 18:02:03

Dịch đoạn văn sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
place where we can depend on but is also a place where we receive love affection
and a sense of longing. Finally, family is where we can act freely where we don't
have to pretend to be someone we aren't. It is also a place where we can develop
and shape our personaliy and traits. We can also have a lot of fun if we were to
play games with our family.
In conclusion, family is a very important of society, it shape how a human being
behaves, it allows humans to grow up in a safe enviroment so we have to develop
our family into a happy family for the betterment of the world.
Topic 3: Clothing
In our world, clothing serves as a very important part in society because it help
you to cover your naked body and protect you from the cold and not only that but
can also be very stylish and beautiful.
Personally I really don't care for the trends in clothing since I am not really a
fashionista but some of my friends are though they usually where all kinds of shirt
and jackets that are on trend right now. Like I said t don't like wearing on trend
clothes, I like to where casual clothes like shorts, t-shirt or jeans and I also like to
where pants that goes to your knees. The reason I like wearing them is quite simple
actually, they are nice to wear, they don't restrict your freedom much since they
are quite flexible and it just feels nice to wear them to be honest. And not only that
but these clothe that I wear is not actually that expensive so they are both
comfortable to wear but also affordable. Clothes like shorts, t shirt and shirts are
usually made out of cotton and fabric and other kinds of material because of that
clothes like them are usually flexible comfy to wear and even help lose heat in
summer but it is very unsuitable in the winter. The shirts and t shirt are suitable to
wear in fall or spring or any other seasons actually, they aren't as flexible as shorts
but they are quite warmer than it. Now jeans they are made out of denim fabrics
they are quite tight but comfortable so I am find with it being a little tight, it is also
kinda stylish and not only that but they are actually quite suitable to wear in winter
since it is tight and so it cankeep you warm.
In conclusion, clothes is very important to humankind as it not only helps us
keep warm but also allow us to be stylish at the same time
Topic 4: The advantages and disadvantages of watching tv and/or using the
internet for study and entertainment
Hello everyone, my name is hoang and today I am going to give my opinion
about the question: " what are the disadvantages and advantages of using the
internet for study and for entertainment".
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