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20/11/2022 12:51:20

Choose the best answer

Choose the best answer
6. They had an awful fight one year ago, but now they're
A. overcome
B. cooperated
7. Youngsters
love to eat from street
8. He always concentrates
A. at
9. Laura said she had worked on
B. selling
B. out
the assignment since
B. the following day
10. I suffer from depression, but I don't know
A. what
B. how
11. When she was a little girl, she
A. not used to eat
12. We all wish there
A. were
B. didn't used to eat
B. is
C. resolved
C. the day before
C. when
C. food
his studies, so he has made much progress this y
s year.
C. on
D. in
C. didn't use to eat
C. has been
their conflicts.
D. coped
for the cheap price.
D. vendors
D. the next day
to get over my problem.
D. where
a lot of sweets.
D. used not to eat
a smart board in our classroom.
D. had been
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