Giang Đỗ Ngân | Chat Online
29/11/2022 20:55:13

Fill each of the blanks with one suitable word

Fill each of the blanks with one suitable word 

1. English people are used to driving on the .... side of the road.

2. She is now ... doing her homework.

3. He told me that he was ... of looking for a job.

4. She shows no ... in what she is doing now 

5. I spend most of my ... time working in the garden.

6. You should think that women are ... to men. 

7. My cousins are ... on listening to pop music. 

8. Is there any ... in this firm? You see, I'm looking for a job.

9. We ... warm clothes so that we wouldn't get cold.

10. He was ..... so he had to stay at home and did the homework disappointedly. His parents had to support him.

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