Nguyễn Nam Anh | Chat Online
29/11/2022 22:38:23

Điền vào ô trống

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
The Natural History Museum
This is one of my favourite places to visit. I've learned a huge amount about animals and
time I've visited. I've even seen bits of rock from the moon!
The building's really beautiful and it's easy to find your way around. There are hundreds of interesting things on
display, but
you like dinosaurs the best time
I've been twice in the school holidays and the queue was
the museum.
You'll probably want something to eat while you're there. You can take
museum garden, or try one of the two museum cafés.
see them is during term-time.
long that I wasn't able to visit that
own picnic and eat in the
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