Nguyễn bảo minh | Chat Online
03/12/2022 20:57:51

Nổi cột a với cột b

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
en to music.
as doesn't Like Listeniny 10 mi
nakes/ You/ fish/ more/ eat/ fresh/ should you smart, which should eat more fish, which makes yes (mod
4. a headache/ last night he/ sleep/ He/ had/, so/ didn't well.
he had a headache, so he didn't sleep resell last night
5. Doing/ healthier/ more/ you/ exercise/ makes.
6. My/ enjoys/ trees/ dad/ planting.
My dad enoys planting trees..
Make compound sentences:
1. They got there earlyThey got really good seats.
2. I really want to go to work.1 am too sick to drive.
3. He ran out of money. He didn't buy something to eat.
4. Joe made the sugar cookies. Susan decorated them.
5. Everyone was busy. I went to the movie alone.
6. Joe waited for the train. The train was late.
7. Lydia liked her new house. She didn't like her neighborhood.
8. You are so cute You are so naughty.
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