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11/12/2022 10:08:14

Read the passage and choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. think
B. find
Ex3: Read the passage and choose the best answer.
There are many reasons (1)_
it is important to have a hobby. First of all, a hobby can be a remedy for your
Because it is the activity you choose for yourself, it will always give you pleasure and (3)
you relax. Even if you just spend a little time enjoying your hobby, you can see the difference (4)
spirit. Second, some hobbies can also (5)_
you financially. Many old people enjoy gardening. They grow a
lot of trees and vegetables, so they can sell them for some money. In addition a hobby can help you connect with
other people. If you like collecting stamps, you can join a stamp club to share your albums with other collectors. If
your hobby is carving eggshells, you can give your products to your friends for gifts,
B. why
C. because
C. tiredness
B. pain
B. have
C. do
B. in
Dud Dood the porcoge then decide if the statements are true or false.
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