Nguyễn Thảo | Chat Online
11/12/2022 19:07:27

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41.     We wish that smart boards               in our school.

     A.install B.had installed     C.were installed    D.was installed

42.     The photos by a British diplomat capture the     of old bicycles, crowded electric trams, the queue to buy goods and lines of barrels waiting to collect water in the 1980s.

     A.ideas   B.images     C.minds      D.thinking

43.     After people had asked for scholars’ handwriting, they                   them up during the Tet festival.

     A.hang   B.hung        C.hanged    D.had hung

44.     The life at that time was very difficult            every family tried to buy a branch of peach blossoms to display on the Lunar New Year Festival.

     A.but  C.despite    D.although

45.     We suggest that the authorities                street children from following foreign tourists inthe downtown.

     A.will stop      B.stopped   C.would stop       D.should     stop

46.     Wooden clogs have been the simple           of Vietnamese women for ages.

     A.sign    B.signal      C.symbol    D.mark

47.     Rickshaw looks    in each        of Viet Nam: Ha Noi's rickshaw is wider and low, Hue's is a bit narrower but longer, Saigon's rickshaw is tall and long.

     A.different - area       B.the same - part  C.different - region         D.differently - region

48.     Survey findings    that the current family remains an important production unit ofsociety.

     A.explain         B.record

49.     Before 1975 in South Viet Nam, there       3 state universities built in cities of Hue, Saigon, Can Tho.

     A.was    B.were        C.would be D.used to be

50.     Many workers wish that they  labour contracts with the companies.

     A.sign    B.signed      C.were signed       D.were signing

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