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12/12/2022 23:02:10

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65. The volunteers have to work much
A. as hard as
66. There's a.......
A. belief
67. You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you...........than the red one.
A. good
B. well
C. better
68. The
of Quan ho singing has been recognized as a world heritage.
B. procession
C. song
A. preservation
69. Saint Giong was unable to talk, smile, or walk......... he was three years old.
A. even though
B. because
C. while
D. if
usual to save the dying animals from the forest fire.
D. the hardest
C. harder than
B. more hard than
..in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve.
B. legend
C. custom
D. story
70. It's a rule, so everyone ...............strictly follow it.
A. doesn't have to
B. shouldn't
C. has to
71. The 54 ethnic peoples of Vietnam are............., but they live peacefully.
D. like
A. similar
C. diverse
B. unlike
72.Many ethnic groups have their own languages,
A. speaking
B. writing
D. spoken
73. The nomads move two or three times a year to look for new ........... for their cattle.
D. products
A. land
B. houses
C. pastures
74. The Kinh have the largest number of people,
A. calculating
.for about 80% of the population.
C. accounting
B. getting
D. making
75. An activity that we do for pleasure when we
A. hobby
B. leisure
are not working.
C. relax
76. The Thai villages
...... 40 to 50 houses,
B. consist
usually built side by side.
C. comprise
A. include
77.Our family's customs and traditions make us feel a sense of.....
A. humor
B. loving
C. belonging
78.The Xoe dance has more than 30 forms
on the first six ancient forms.
C. created
D. based
B. laid
and some even have .....
C. written
B. clever
C. hard-working
81. Mai An Tiem was very ............to move to a deserted island.
A. brave
B. honest
C. kind
82. When you want to express your disagreement politely, you say:
A. I am afraid I don't agree.
C. No, I do not listen to you.
83. Luu Binh was very......
A. selfish
84. The toad was very
D. the best
B. kind
D. performance
D. should
D. interest
A. depended
79. In the past, men .......
wear Ao Dai, but today they............ wear it.
A. had to/ didn't have to B. had to/ doesn't have toC. had to/ don't have to D. had to/ had to
80. Thach Sanh was so..........that he could push back the troops with his magical guitar and rice
A. kind
D. get
D. unique
D. fast
B. No, I don't like your idea.
D. No, your idea is so bad.
to invite Duong Le to come and live with him.
C. mean
D. brave
.because he tried to find way to the heaven to sue God.
C. generous
D. mean
A. brave
B. kind
85. The Peacock was well known to be a/an.....animal, so he just applied black colour to the
Crow's feathers.
D. generous
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