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27/12/2022 16:33:16

Put the verbs into the correct form

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III)-Put the verbs into the correct form, the
1. When I last (see)
near the office.
2. 1 (walk)
something hit me in the back.
3. When we (drive)
4. How fast (she/drive)
5. My mother (wait)
6. Mrs. Smith (invite)
7, 1 (not want)_
for a phone call.
8. The doorbell (ring)_
9. It suddenly (begin)
in the garden.
10. The lights (go)
them, they (try)
along the street when I suddenly (feel)_
in the sky.
the USA.
down the hill, a strange object (appear)
when the accident (happen)
to find a new flat
for me when I (come)___
Mrs. Quyen to have dinner while Mrs. Quyen
to go with him because I (wait)_
while Tom (watch)_
to rain while Linda (sit)_
out while we (have)
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