Nga_tuyet | Chat Online
27/12/2022 18:21:26

Viết lại các câu sau cho phù hợp

Làm từ 13 - 20 nếu chính xác sẽ được thưởng 200 xu
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Do you
If I liked"
est entt sq.
13. We want to pass the entrance to university, so we are working hard. (Rewrite, using
Ac sorf
want to pass the warance lo university we are working hard.
14. It's a pity that my parents don't allow me to learn magic. (Make a sentence with WISH)
to the my parents dont elle me to is magic.
15. He asked me: "What are you doing tonight?" (Rewrite, using reported speech)
I wish
a He asked me
has he wout doing. (tonight
that night.......kot right...
16. My mother said: "Do you like to stay here longer?" (Rewrite, using reported speech)
My mother asked me if I liked
17. Study harder or you won't pass the entrance examination. (Rewrite sentence using "If")
a If
18. "Do you like learning a foreign language?" the examiner asked me. (Change into reporte
The examiner asked me
19. Na woke up late, so she didn't have time for breakfast. (Rewrite sentence using "Because")
20. Lan asked Nga "Will you buy this to take home?"
Lan asked Nga
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