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29/12/2022 21:10:47

How many charity events will happen this may

The United Nations says that all children under 18 have the right to live, be healthy and happy, and much more*, but some poor children don't have these rights. They don't have enough food, and can't go to school. So, please join us in helping poor children. We are going to do these activities next month to raise money:
Craft Fair (May 15th-16). Many talented artists will be there! You'll find lots of cool things like cute stuffed animals and pretty paintings. There will also be arts and crafts workshops in the afternoons.
Bake Sale (May 22nd-23). Come buy cookies, cupcakes, pies, and more! Don't miss the cupcake decorating competition on May 231
We'll use the money from these events to buy clothes, books, and toys for children. We also need volunteers to help organize the events. Please contact for more information.

1. How many charity events will happen this may

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